GRACIAS POR NADA Lyrics & Meaning In English - Bad Bunny


 GRACIAS POR NADA Lyrics & Meaning In English - Bad Bunny

GRACIAS POR NADA Lyrics & Meaning In English - Bad Bunny

GRACIAS POR NADA Lyrics by Bad Bunny

GRACIAS POR NADA Lyrics is a beautiful song which is nicely sung by Puerto Rican rapper and singer Bad Bunny, from the album name "nadie sabe lo que va a pasar mañana".

GRACIAS POR NADA Lyrics In English


No sé si cachaste lo que te quise decir
Es que tú ere' masoquista, te lo vuelvo a repetir

Aunque me llame tu mai, aunque aparezca tu pai
Aunque baje Jesucristo y nos vuelva a bendecir
Lo nuestro no lo vuelvo a revivir, no lo vuelvo a revivir
Solo me resta decirte (Ey, ey)

Gracias por nada, gracias por nada
Ya no hay pa' ti ni bicho ni Prada
Ya yo te caché, ma, te vas pichada
Recoge tus cosa' y no dеjes nada (No)
Gracias por nada, gracias por nada
Ya no hay pa' ti ni bicho ni Prada
Yo sé lo que hiciste, una hija 'e putada
Tú vete tranquila, no me debes nada

Porque to' lo que te di fue de corazón
Si te veo de nuevo es por el retrovisor
Si tú me ves de nuevo es por el televisor
Una peli' de amor que no existió porque

Yo pensaba que tú eras Julieta y yo era tu Romeo
Pero vi que estaba erróneo, tú me tenías dormido y con insomnio

Pero a media noche desperté y te pillé
Todos los texts, tú con él, yo pichándole a toa'
Mírame a los ojos, no me bajes la cabeza
No estás siendo sincera y eso es lo que me pesa

Tú enrolaste y te fumaste las promesas
Tú estás buena, pero eso no es belleza
Bonito es que siempre digan la verdad
Yo no estoy pa' esto y menos a esta edad


Los días malos no se cansan, je
Aborrecío, estoy que me mudo pa' Kansas
Si ponemos nuestros errore' en la balanza
Yo fallé más que tú, pero en darte mi confianza

Ey, ey

Gracias por nada, gracias por nada
Ya no hay pa' ti ni bicho ni Prada
Ya yo te caché, ma, te vas pichada
Recoge tus cosa' y no dеjes nada
Gracias por nada, gracias por nada
Ya no hay pa' ti ni bicho ni Prada
Yo sé lo que hiciste, una hija 'e putada
Tú vete tranquila, no me debes nada

GRACIAS POR NADA Lyrics Meaning In English

I don't know if you caught what I wanted to tell you
It's just that you are a masochist, I'll repeat it to you again.

Even if your mai calls me, even if your pai appears
Even if Jesus Christ comes down and blesses us again
I won't relive our thing again, I won't relive it again
I just have to tell you (Hey, hey)

Thanks for nothing, thanks for nothing
There is no longer any bug or Prada for you
I already caught you, ma, you're going crazy
Pick up your things and don't leave anything (No)
Thanks for nothing, thanks for nothing
There is no longer any bug or Prada for you
I know what you did, a bitch daughter
You go calmly, you don't owe me anything

Because everything I gave you was from the heart
If I see you again it's in the rearview mirror
If you see me again it is on the television
A love movie that did not exist because

I thought you were Juliet and I was your Romeo
But I saw that I was wrong, you had me asleep and with insomnia

But at midnight I woke up and caught you
All the texts, you with him, me pissing everyone off
Look me in the eyes, don't lower your head
You're not being honest and that's what bothers me

You signed up and you smoked the promises
You are hot, but that is not beauty
It's nice that they always tell the truth
I'm not for this and even less at this age


The bad days don't get tired, heh
I hate it, I'm moving to Kansas
If we put our mistakes on the scale
I failed more than you, but in giving you my trust

Hey Hey

Thanks for nothing, thanks for nothing
There is no longer any bug or Prada for you
I already caught you, ma, you're going crazy
Pick up your things and don't leave anything
Thanks for nothing, thanks for nothing
There is no longer any bug or Prada for you
I know what you did, a bitch daughter
You go calmly, you don't owe me anything


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