Sobrio Lyrics & Meaning In English - Maluma


 Sobrio Lyrics & Meaning In English - Maluma

Sobrio Lyrics & Meaning In English - Maluma

Sobrio Lyrics by Maluma

Sobrio Lyrics is a beautiful song which is nicely sung by Colombian rapper and singer name Maluma, from the album "Don Juan".

Sobrio Lyrics In English


Quiero aprovechar ya que estoy tomao
Pa' poder decirte toda' la' cosa' que me he guardao
Sé que no son horas de llamar pero te vi en línea
Y solo quería confirmar si aún eras mi niña

Lo siento
Es que sabes que me cuesta decir lo que siento
Pero un borracho no miente, bebé, me arrepiento
En serio
Pa' pedir perdón tengo que estar ebrio

Ya que sobrio no me da
Por eso te estoy llamando
Tengo la necesidad
De saber cómo te va
Y si aún me sigue' amando'
Lo he intentao
Pero sobrio no me da-a-a-a-ao
Por eso e' que estoy tomando
Tengo la necesidad
De saber cómo te va
Y si aún me sigue' amando'
Lo he intentao

Bebé, perdón, sé que no son horas
Pero e' que el trago no colabora
Quiero saber si ríes o lloras
Si andas acompañada o andas sola
Yo, por mi parte
No hago otra cosa más que extrañarte
Estoy bebiendo supuestamente pa' olvidarte, yey-yey

Pero es obvio
Que me duela que me tengas odio
Si a última hora no fui tan mal novio
Te pienso borracho y lo escondo de sobrio
Yo te quería para matrimonio
Pero le estás dando a esto un velorio
Cuando tomo, mi orgullo lo mando al demonio

Ya que sobrio no me da
Por eso te estoy llamando
Tengo la necesidad
De saber cómo te va
Y si aún me sigue' amando'
Lo he intentao
Pero sobrio no me da-a-a-a-ao
Por eso e' que estoy tomando
Tengo la necesidad
De saber cómo te va
Y si aún me sigue' amando'
Lo he intentao

(Quiero aprovechar)
Ya-yao, ye-yey
(Ya que estoy tomao)
Dirty boy, baby
(Pa' poder decirte toda' la' cosa' que me he guardao)
Maluma, ba-ba-baby
Once again
(Sé que no son horas de llamar)
Dímelo, Edge, Edge
(Pero te vi en línea)
I love you, baby
(Y solo quería confirmar si aún eras mi niña)
El baby de las babies
Maluma, baby

Sobrio Lyrics Meaning In English

I want to take advantage since I'm drunk
To be able to tell you all the things that I have kept for myself
I know it's not time to call but I saw you online
And I just wanted to confirm if you were still my girl

I'm sorry
You know it's hard for me to say what I feel
But a drunk don't lie, baby I regret it
Oh really
To ask for forgiveness I have to be drunk

since sober does not give me
that's why i'm calling you
I have the need
To know how you are doing
And if you still love me
I have tried
But sober does not give me-a-a-a-ao
That's why I'm taking
I have the need
To know how you are doing
And if you still love me
I have tried

Baby, excuse me, I know it's not hours
But e' that the drink does not collaborate
I want to know if you laugh or cry
If you are accompanied or you are alone
I, for my part
I do nothing but miss you
I'm supposedly drinking to forget you, yey-yey

But it's obvious
That it hurts that you hate me
If at the last minute I wasn't such a bad boyfriend
I think of you drunk and I hide it when I'm sober
I wanted you for marriage
But you're giving this a wake
When I drink, I send my pride to the devil

Since sober I don't care
That's why I'm calling you
I have the need
To know how you are doing
And if he still loves me
I have tried
But sober doesn't give me a-a-a-ao
That's why I'm taking
I have the need
To know how you are doing
And if he still loves me
I have tried

(I want to take advantage)
Ya-yao, ye-yey
(Since I'm drunk)
Dirty boy, baby
(To be able to tell you all the things that I have kept for myself)
Maluma, ba-ba-baby
Once again
(I know it's not time to call)
Tell me, Edge, Edge
(But I saw you online)
I love you, baby
(And I just wanted to confirm if you were still my girl)
The baby of the babies
Maluma, baby

Sobrio Lyrics

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