Friends (Remix) Lyrics & Meaning In English - Eladio Carrión, Lil Tjay & Luar La L


 Friends (Remix) Lyrics & Meaning In English - Eladio Carrión, Lil Tjay & Luar La L

Friends (Remix) Lyrics & Meaning In English - Eladio Carrión, Lil Tjay & Luar La L

Friends (Remix) Lyrics by Eladio Carrión

Friends (Remix) Lyrics is a beautiful song which is nicely sung by American rapper and singer Eladio Carrión, Lil Tjay & Luar La L.

Friends (Remix) Lyrics In English



Trajo par de friends (Friends), son toda' tens (Tens)
Ella tiene su estilo (Tiene su estilo), yeah, no sigue trends (Trends)
Si bailas pa' mí (Pa' mí), te tiro par de bands, bands (Bands)
La monto en el Benz, Benz (Benz), dale, mami, dance, dance (Dance)
Yeah, friends, son toda' tens
Ella tiene su estilo (Su estilo), yeah, no sigue trends
Si bailas pa' mí (Dile, mami), te tiro par de bands, bands
La monto en el Benz, dale, mami, dance, dance (El Letra)

If my stripper se me trepa en el tubo
When she started bouncin', baby, ella no se detuvo
La amarré chingando, hacemo' el nudo
Yo la llevo a Mars, me siento como Bruno
Como brujo yo la hechizo
Started fuckin' on the couch y terminamo' en el piso
Si me vengo adentro estoy esquizo
Porque ante' de venirme yo le aviso (Oye, oye)
La baby quiere un puff como Diddy, je
Backwoods, ya no prenden Phillies
Se pasa en el bloque metía' por North Philly (Prendida)
Trapeando, ella tiene su drug dealer (Jeje)
Y yo soy su cliente (Un plug)
Ese cuerpo es mi dosi', baby, me pongo impaciente (Ah)
Cuando no te veo a ti recuerdo que soy tu paciente (Tre' Letra')
Veo ese booty 3D como si me engancho los lente' (Mamá)
Cuando yo te doy un palo me siento Robert Clemente (No)
Tú te mojas to'a si yo me pongo caliente (Jeje)
Cambia el clima y siente el cambio en el ambiente (¿Qué?)
Ella quería Colgate y yo me le venía en los diente'
Big bad bitch con su cara angelical
Somos friends, pero sin friendzone, ya tenemo' historial (Tú sabe')
Grabo con el iPhone pa' enseñarle el tutorial (Ah)
De cómo la hago venir de cómo la pongo a squirtear (¿Qué?)
Le paso el squeegee, está mojá', pero la seco
Baby, el que te toque tiene un pasaje pa'l hueco (Ajá), prr (Prr)
Yo sigo haciendo chavo' con los teco'
¿De dónde crees que saco pa' comprarte los Pateko?
Y las cartera' Prada (Oye, ¿qué?)
Siempre hago un caso cuando se me va en alzada (Ah)
Ella me grita "guerra", yo la afilo con mi espada (¿Qué?)
Ya 'tamo envuelto' en el juego y no somo' nada (¿Qué?)

Friends, son toda' tens
Ella tiene su estilo, yeah, no sigue trends
Si bailas pa' mí, te tiro par de bands, bands
La monto en el Benz, Benz, dale, mami, dance, dance, yeah

Trench kid, every year I'm on some new shit
Too rich, just blew forty on my new fits
New spliff, daddy punchin' niggas, too sick
You a fine girl, nice curves, we can do shit
You ain't never met a real nigga, let me show you
Back shots, know you like that, 'cause I know you
Too nice, just my type, couldn't bro you
Normally I'm not the cuffin' type, I ain't gon' hold you
But I chose you
I'ma keep you lavish long as you do what you 'posed to
Music moving coastal, rappin', I got vocals
On IG for the drip, I ain't social
Different type of life, changing channels like it's Roku
I don't trust shit, off a vibe, I'm like Smokey
I just be fast with it, bitches keep racks
Stay strapped and prepared 'cause I gotta go loco

Friends, son toda' tens
Ella tiene su estilo, yeah, no sigue trends
Si bailas pa' mí, le tiro par de bands
La monto en el Benz, Benz, dale, mami, dance, dance

Ese culo es uno de uno
Explosiva como cuando juega' Call Of Duty, dale al R1
Hacemo' una porno, si quiere' llamo a Nuno
Pa' que te grabe con toa' tu' amistade' handicap, cuatro a uno
Y al que te toque click-clack
Que tú quiere' las uña' en shellac
Me dijo: "Quiero ir pa' la H" porque soy como en Cali Tupac
Medusa en tu blusa Versace, en la cartera Gucci tres racks
Siempre en altura como ROSALÍA, y los Apalache', tú supiste que este bicho e' crack

¿Qué? Jeje
Tres Letra', La L
L3TRA Entertainment, baby
Mera, dime, Custom
Vamo' a customearno' un par de bebecita' hoy
Dime, Ela
Los que tenemo' la salsa, ustede' saben ya
Lil Tjay, light it up, nigga
Oye, mami
Yo sé que solo somo' amigo', pero
Yo te quiero pa' algo má'
Si me das la oportunidad, creéme, no te va' a arrepentir
Tres Letra'

Friends (Remix) Lyrics Meaning In English


He brought a couple of friends (Friends), they are all tens (Tens)
She has her style (She has her style), yeah, she doesn't follow trends (Trends)
If you dance for me (Pa' me), I'll throw you a couple of bands, bands (Bands)
I ride her in the Benz, Benz (Benz), come on, mommy, dance, dance (Dance)
Yeah, friends, they are all tense
She has her style (Her her style), yeah, she doesn't follow trends
If you dance for me (Tell him, mommy), I'll throw you a couple of bands, bands
I ride her in the Benz, come on, mommy, dance, dance (El Letra)

If my stripper climbs on my tube
When she started bouncin', baby, she didn't stop
I tied her up, we tie the knot
I take her to Mars, I feel like Bruno
As a witch I spell her
Started fucking on the couch and we ended up on the floor
If I come inside I'm schizo
Because before I come I'll let you know (Hey, hey)
The baby wants a puff like Diddy, heh
Backwoods, they don't turn on Phillies anymore
She passed on the block poked 'by North Philly (On)
Mopping, she has her drug dealer (Hehe)
And I am her client (A plug)
That body is my dose, baby, I get impatient (Ah)
When I don't see you I remember that I am your patient (Tre' Letra')
I see that 3D booty as if I hooked the glasses' (Mom)
When I give you a stick I feel like Robert Clemente (No)
You get all wet if I get hot (Hehe)
Change the weather and feel the change in the environment (What?)
She wanted Colgate and I came in her teeth'
Big bad bitch with her angelic face
We are friends, but without a friendzone, we already have a history (You know)
I record with the iPhone to teach him the tutorial (Ah)
How I make her come from how I make her squirt (What?)
I give her the squeegee, she's wet, but I dry her
Baby, whoever touches you has a ticket to the hole (Aha), prr (Prr)
I keep doing kid' with the teco'
Where do you think I get to buy you the Patekos?
And the Prada wallets (Hey, what?)
I always make a case when she leaves me raised (Ah)
She yells "war" at me, I sharpen her with my sword (What?)
We are already "involved" in the game and we are nothing (what?)

Friends, they are all tens
She has her style, yeah, she doesn't follow trends
If you dance for me, I'll throw you a couple of bands, bands
I ride her in the Benz, Benz, come on, mommy, dance, dance, yeah

Trench kid, every year I'm on some new shit
Too rich, just blew forty on my new fits
New spliff, daddy punchin' niggas, too sick
You a fine girl, nice curves, we can do shit
You ain't never met a real nigga, let me show you
Back shots, know you like that, 'cause I know you
Too nice, just my type, couldn't bro you
Normally I'm not the cuffin' type, I ain't gon' hold you
But I chose you
I'ma keep you lavish long as you do what you 'posed to
Music moving coastal, rappin', I got vocals
On IG for the drip, I ain't social
Different type of life, changing channels like it's Roku
I don't trust shit, off a vibe, I'm like Smokey
I just be fast with it, bitches keep racks
Stay strapped and prepared 'cause I gotta go loco

Friends, they are all tens
She has her style, yeah, she doesn't follow trends
If you dance for me, I'll throw you a couple of bands
I ride her in the Benz, Benz, come on, mommy, dance, dance

That ass is one of one
Explosive like when she play 'Call Of Duty, hit the R1
We make a porn, if you want, call Nuno
So that I record you with all your friends handicap, four to one
And to the one who touches you click-clack
That you want' the nails' in shellac
She told me: "I want to go to H" because I'm like Cali Tupac
Medusa in your Versace blouse, in the Gucci bag three racks
Always in height like ROSALÍA, and the Appalachians, you knew that this bug is crack

That? He he
Three Letter', The L
L3TRA Entertainment, baby
Mera, tell me, Custom
Let's 'customearno' a couple of bebecita' today
tell me, Ella
Those of us who have the sauce, you already know
Lil Tjay, light it up, nigga
Hey Baby
I know that we are only a friend, but
I love you for something else
If you give me the opportunity, believe me, you will not regret it
Three Letter'

Friends (Remix) Lyrics

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