Betty Lyrics & Meaning In English - Eladio Carrión


 Betty Lyrics & Meaning In English - Eladio Carrión

Betty Lyrics & Meaning In English - Eladio Carrión

Betty Lyrics by Eladio Carrión

Betty Lyrics is a beautiful song which is nicely sung by American rapper and singer Eladio Carrión.

Betty Lyrics In English



To' el mundo ready, máscaras puesta', se puso fea la cosa, Betty (Pa)
Jum, le mando pa'l casco, mira hice espagueti (Prr)
Calla'o, submarino de sorpresa sin confetti (Prr, prr)
Hay mucho feka, yo sigo real como el Betis pa' ti (Ey, ey)
Si quieren verme, dile' que no va a ser de grati', Jetty (Grr)
Frío en to' los lao', me paro en la esquina, Yeti y Mackie (Frío)
Fumando maqui, ella me da ese WAP, no fetty, Natti (Pa, pa, pa)
Toca a los mío', yo me pongo criminal, lunatic
Criminal y de grati' (Krrt, krrt)
RD con Vladi y con Tati
Iluminado, no illuminati
Veinte mil solo por los ad-libs (Krr)
Combiné quince glass Huarache
Lápiz caliente como hibachi
Bo-Bottega, esto no es Versace, yeah
To' el mundo ready, máscaras puesta', se puso fea la cosa, Freddy (¡Pa!)
Freddy y Phantom, todo empezó en Ocean Park, calle McLeary
Pregunta en Huma, yo soy como en Memphis Elvis Presley (¡Pa!)
Carro alemán, pero el closet de Italia, Andrea Bocelli (Gucci)
Mario Balotelli, Fashion Week, Paris, Dom Péri (¡Hey!)
Siempre 'toy detrás del queso, ahora me dicen Jerry (Jejejeje)
No te duerma' con el negro gángster, Burbu Glery (Damn)
No face, no case, no tellin', sí como Meli, ey


Me siento como Jordan en los playoffs (Wuh), yeah
Mamá dijo: "All the hard work gonna pay off" (Mamá), yeah
Y algo en común que tienen todo' mis haters, yeah (¡Puta!)
Es que todo' hacen menos dinero que yo (Jajajaja)
Shh, shut the fuck up, yo soy el top-top
Les salgo en to's lao' como pop-up
Become a black opp, llegó con back up y 'tá to cuadra'o, yeah
Nigga, como un flap top, te llevo al diablo sin hacer el pacto
Tengo la bola, domino el black top (Wuh)
El favorito de to' los capo' (¡Eh!)
Hay un par de demagogo', me tiran, me tienen dema, pero (Dema)
En la calle sabemo' que tú ere' mamañema, yeah (Jajaja)
No pegan solo', se juntan tres para pegar un tema, ey (Wuh)
Ello' me odian, pero sus babie' adoran mis tema' (Pa)
Mámate esta pista, prendemo' una vela
Ando con una shorty, tiene el culo Panamera
Fumando la mela pasa la candela
Pon el bloque a brincar, nigga, como Coachella
Tengo el sazón, habichuela' de abuela
Ando con perro', Cruella
Trappin' yo soy dolor de muela'
Dos Patek en el jet, mi tiempo vuela (¡Hey!)
Mi padre pensaba que yo 'taba loco de asilo
Hasta que le puse cien mil en la cuenta y le dije: "Mi loco, ahora vive tranquilo"
Me tiró pa'trás y le pregunto "¿cómo se siente?" y confundido me dice "¿qué?" (¿Qué?)
¿Cómo se siente ser padre de un hijo millo? (¡Mula!)
Dice: "Eladio, no lo asimilo"
Tengo amigo' que nunca llaman, ahora me llaman para que tú les salude' a los hijo'
Se preocupa por mí y yo le digo: "Tranquilo, que yo me cuido"
Que la MP5 hace "tu-tu" como Camilo, ey

Betty Lyrics Meaning In English


Everyone ready, masks on, things got ugly, Betty (Pa)
Jum, I send him to the helmet, look, I made spaghetti (Prr)
Calla'o, surprise submarine without confetti (Prr, prr)
There is a lot of feka, I'm still real like Betis for you (Hey, hey)
If they want to see me, tell them it's not going to be free, Jetty (Grr)
Cold in all the lao', I stand in the corner, Yeti and Mackie (Cold)
Smoking maqui, she gives me that WAP, no fetty, Natti (Pa, pa, pa)
Touch mine', I get criminal, lunatic
Criminal and free' (Krrt, krrt)
RD with Vladi and with Tati
Illuminated, not illuminati
Twenty thousand just for the ad-libs (Krr)
Combined fifteen glass Huarache
hot pencil like hibachi
Bo-Bottega, this is not Versace, yeah
Everyone ready, masks on, things got ugly, Freddy (Pa!)
Freddy and Phantom, it all started in Ocean Park, McLeary street
Ask in Huma, I'm like in Memphis Elvis Presley (Pa!)
German car, but the Italian closet, Andrea Bocelli (Gucci)
Mario Balotelli, Fashion Week, Paris, Dom Péri (Hey!)
I'm always after the cheese, now they call me Jerry (Hehehehe)
Don't fall asleep' with the black gangster, Burbu Glery (Damn)
No face, no case, no tellin', yes like Meli, hey


I feel like Jordan in the playoffs (Wuh), yeah
Mama said: "All the hard work gonna pay off" (Mama), yeah
And something in common that all my haters have, yeah (Whore!)
It's that they all make less money than me (Hahahaha)
Shh, shut the fuck up, I'm the top-top
I go out to all of them as a pop-up
Become a black opp, he came with a back up and 'tá to cuadra'o, yeah
Nigga, like a flap top, I take you to hell without making the pact
I have the ball, I dominate the black top (Wuh)
The favorite of all the bosses (Hey!)
There are a couple of demagogues, they throw me, they have me dema, but (Dema)
In the street we know that you are a mamañema, yeah (Hahaha)
They don't hit alone, three get together to hit a song, hey (Wuh)
They hate me, but their babies love my songs (Pa)
Suck this track, light a candle
I'm wearing a shorty, she has the Panamera ass
Smoking the mela passes the candle
Put the block to jump, nigga, like Coachella
I have the seasoning, grandma beans
I walk with a dog, Cruella
Trappin' I am toothache'
Two Pateks on the jet, my time flies (Hey!)
My father thought that I was a crazy asylum
Until I put a hundred thousand in his account and told him: "My crazy, now live in peace"
He pulled me back and I ask him "how do you feel?" and confused he says "what?" (That?)
How does it feel to be the father of a millo son? (Mule!)
He says: "Eladio, I don't assimilate it"
I have a friend who never calls, now they call me so that you can greet the children
He worries about me and I tell him: "Calm down, I'll take care of myself"
That the MP5 does "tu-tu" like Camilo, hey

Betty Lyrics

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