Te Pido Lyrics & Meaning In English - TINI


 Te Pido Lyrics & Meaning In English - TINI

Te Pido Lyrics & Meaning In English - TINI

Te Pido Lyrics by TINI

Te Pido Lyrics is a beautiful song which is nicely sung by Argentine singer, songwriter, actress, dancer and model TINI, from the album “Cupido”, music has been produced by Andrés Torres & El Dandee, and Te Pido song lyrics are penned down by TINI, ELENA ROSE, Andrés Torres & El Dandee.

Te Pido Lyrics In English


[Verso 1]
Me usaste y luego te alejaste de mí
Me dolió el alma, el alma duele sin ti
No te lo niego, yo me lo presentí
Que ibas a usarme hasta que no te servía
Ya yo lo sabía
Que las heridas de tu amor me dolerían
Por el resto de la vida (Yeah)
Si la gente me pregunta, cero
Yo le digo que ya no te quiero
Digo que estoy como tú, contento
Pero por dentro siento que me muero
Y no, si no vas a volver, mejor déjalo, por favor

Te pido que no
No juegues más con mi corazón
No vuelvas a decir que lo sientes
No inventes, yo sé que no sientes amor, amor
Te pido que no (Eh)
No vuelvas aquí ni por error
Prefiero estar sin ti que tenerte
Quererte y volver a perderme en tu amor, amor (Yeah)

[Verso 2]
Viste, todo el daño que tú me hiciste (Oh)
Y toda' las promesa’ rompiste (Yeah)
No digas que tú me quisiste
Baby, hiciste lo que hiciste (No)
Yo no sé, te enloqueciste
Pero ya no estoy buscando a nadie que me quiera
Estoy bien así como quiera
No me importa lo que tú quiera'
Baby, ya no habrá segunda (No)
Yo ya aprendo a la primera
Ya no me preguntes: "¿TINI, dónde estás?"
Que ya no merece que la cagues más
Que yo estoy aquí, no pensando en ti y qué bien me va

Te pido que no (No)
No juegues más con mi corazón (Con mi corazón)
No vuelvas a decir que lo sientes
No inventes, yo sé que no sientes amor, amor
Te pido que no
No vuelvas aquí ni por error
Prefiero estar sin ti que tenerte
Quererte y volver a perderme en tu amor, amor


Te Pido Lyrics Meaning In English

[Verse 1]
You used me and then you walked away from me
My soul hurt, my soul hurts without you
I do not deny it, I presented it to myself
That you were going to use me until it didn't work for you
I already knew
That the wounds of your love would hurt me
For the rest of life (Yeah)
If people ask me zero
I tell him that I don't love you anymore
I say that I am like you, happy
But inside I feel like I'm dying
And no, if you're not going to come back, better leave it, please

I ask you not
Don't play with my heart anymore
Don't ever say you're sorry
Don't invent, I know you don't feel love, love
I ask you not (Eh)
Don't come back here even by mistake
I'd rather be without you than have you
Love you and lose myself in your love again, love (Yeah)

[Verse 2]
You saw, all the damage that you did to me (Oh)
And all the promises you broke (Yeah)
do not say that you loved me
Baby, you did what you did (No)
I don't know, you went crazy
But I'm not looking for anyone who loves me anymore
I'm fine just the way I want
I don't care what you want
Baby, there will be no second (No)
I already learn the first time
Don't ask me anymore: "TINI, where are you?"
That he no longer deserves to be screwed up anymore
That I'm here, not thinking of you and how well I'm doing

I ask you not (No)
Don't play with my heart anymore (With my heart)
Don't ever say you're sorry
Don't invent, I know you don't feel love, love
I ask you not
Don't come back here even by mistake
I'd rather be without you than have you
Loving you and losing myself again in your love, love


Te Pido Lyrics

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