Bella Hadid Lyrics & Meaning In English - Voyage & Nucci


Bella Hadid Lyrics & Meaning In English - Voyage & Nucci

Bella Hadid Lyrics & Meaning In English - Voyage & Nucci

Bella Hadid Lyrics by Voyage

Bella Hadid Lyrics is a beautiful song which is nicely sung by Voyage & Nucci.

Bella Hadid Lyrics In English


...and a doctor out of London had made a claim that Bella Hadid is the most beautiful woman on Earth...

[Refren: Voyage & Nucci]
Htela bi VIP, htela bi drip, noću da sija kô Bella Hadid
Pravo u džip, baca mi strip, nudi mi telo kô Bella Hadid
Htela bi VIP, htela bi drip, noću da sija kô Bella Hadid
Pravo u džip, baca mi strip, hoće da živi kô Bella Hadid
Htela bi VIP, htela bi drip, noću da sija kô Bella Hadid
Pravo u džip, baca mi strip, nudi mi telo kô Bella Hadid
Htela bi VIP, htela bi drip, noću da sija kô Bella Hadid
Pravo u džip, baca mi strip, hoće da živi kô Bella Hadid

[Strofa 1: Voyage & Nucci]
Njeno telo meni dođe kô Safari
Kad me pita "Bebo, šta bi da mi radiš?"
Ja bih tebe samo vodio u Pari
Skupe jahte, bebo, skupi restorani
Nema ribe koju nisam skidô
Nema bebe šta sve nisam vidô
Bebo, samo ego sam ti bildô
Da bi me koristila kô dildo

[Pred-Refren: Voyage & Nucci]
Natrljaj koku na nos
Pa da te bacim u trans
Po trnju hodao bos
A sada ne puštam gas
Pa kaže "Daj mi koke loma"
Žemo, vadim odma' iz kondoma
Kontraverzna kô Madonna
Cele noći snifuje sa fona

[Refren: Voyage & Nucci]
Htela bi VIP, htela bi drip, noću da sija kô Bella Hadid
Pravo u džip, baca mi strip, nudi mi telo kô Bella Hadid
Htela bi VIP, htela bi drip, noću da sija kô Bella Hadid
Pravo u džip, baca mi strip, hoće da živi kô Bella Hadid
Htela bi VIP, htela bi drip, noću da sija kô Bella Hadid
Pravo u džip, baca mi strip, nudi mi telo kô Bella Hadid
Htela bi VIP, htela bi drip, noću da sija kô Bella Hadid
Pravo u džip, baca mi strip, hoće da živi kô Bella Hadid

[Post-Refren: Voyage & Nucci]
Kô Bella Hadid, kô Bella Hadid
Kô Bella Hadid

[Strofa 2: Nucci & Voyage]
Sve je lažno što kaže, 'oće da dođe do tašne
Sve sam prodô tiraže, mila, te pare su strašne
A skrivaj mi tajne, skrivaj mi tajne
Skrivaj mi tajne ti bebi, bebi
S tobom noći su bajne, noći su raj
Noći su sjajne ti bebi, bebi
Oko tebe Nemci, Turci, Å eici
Tatina princeza u Firenci
Matirani Bmwimeri i Benzi
Louis torbe, pomeranci, Å¡tenci, na, na, na
Žurka joj traje nedelju dana
Pije koktele, partija sama
Dupe mi baca, kô zvuk rafala

[Refren: Voyage & Nucci]
Htela bi VIP, htela bi drip, noću da sija kô Bella Hadid
Pravo u džip, baca mi strip, nudi mi telo kô Bella Hadid
Htela bi VIP, htela bi drip, noću da sija kô Bella Hadid
Pravo u džip, baca mi strip, hoće da živi kô Bella Hadid
Htela bi VIP, htela bi drip, noću da sija kô Bella Hadid
Pravo u džip, baca mi strip, nudi mi telo kô Bella Hadid
Htela bi VIP, htela bi drip, noću da sija kô Bella Hadid
Pravo u džip, baca mi strip, hoće da živi kô Bella Hadid

Bella Hadid Lyrics Meaning In Egnlish

...and a doctor out of London had made a claim that Bella Hadid is the most beautiful woman on Earth...

[Chorus: Voyage & Nucci]
She would like VIP, she would like drip, at night she would shine like Bella Hadid
Straight into the jeep, throws me a comic book, offers me a body like Bella Hadid
She would like VIP, she would like drip, at night she would shine like Bella Hadid
Straight into the jeep, throws me a comic book, wants to live like Bella Hadid
She would like VIP, she would like drip, at night she would shine like Bella Hadid
Straight into the jeep, throws me a comic book, offers me a body like Bella Hadid
She would like VIP, she would like drip, at night she would shine like Bella Hadid
Straight into the jeep, throws me a comic book, wants to live like Bella Hadid

[Stanza 1: Voyage & Nucci]
Her body came to me like Safari
When he asks me "Baby, what do you want me to do?"
I would just take you to Paris
Expensive yachts, baby, expensive restaurants
There's no fish I haven't taken off
There is no baby that I have not seen
Baby, I'm just your ego
To use me as a dildo

[Pre-Chorus: Voyage & Nucci]
Rub coke on your nose
So let me put you in a trance
He walked barefoot on thorns
And now I don't let off the gas
So he says "Give me a koke loma"
Hey, I'm taking it out of the condom right now
Controversial like Madonna
He sniffs from the phone all night

[Chorus: Voyage & Nucci]
She would like VIP, she would like drip, at night she would shine like Bella Hadid
Straight into the jeep, throws me a comic book, offers me a body like Bella Hadid
She would like VIP, she would like drip, at night she would shine like Bella Hadid
Straight into the jeep, throws me a comic book, wants to live like Bella Hadid
She would like VIP, she would like drip, at night she would shine like Bella Hadid
Straight into the jeep, throws me a comic book, offers me a body like Bella Hadid
She would like VIP, she would like drip, at night she would shine like Bella Hadid
Straight into the jeep, throws me a comic book, wants to live like Bella Hadid

[Post-Chorus: Voyage & Nucci]
Like Bella Hadid, like Bella Hadid
Like Bella Hadid

[Stanza 2: Nucci & Voyage]
It's all fake what he says, 'he's going to get the purse
I sold all the copies, my dear, that money is terrible
And keep my secrets, keep my secrets
Keep secrets from me you baby, baby
With you the nights are fabulous, the nights are heaven
The nights are great baby, baby
Around you Germans, Turks, Sheiks
Papa's princess in Florence
Matte BMWs and Benzes
Louis bags, pomeranians, puppies, on, on, on
Her party lasts a week
Drinks cocktails, party alone
It throws my ass, like the sound of a burst

[Chorus: Voyage & Nucci]
She would like VIP, she would like drip, at night she would shine like Bella Hadid
Straight into the jeep, throws me a comic book, offers me a body like Bella Hadid
She would like VIP, she would like drip, at night she would shine like Bella Hadid
Straight into the jeep, throws me a comic book, wants to live like Bella Hadid
She would like VIP, she would like drip, at night she would shine like Bella Hadid
Straight into the jeep, throws me a comic book, offers me a body like Bella Hadid
She would like VIP, she would like drip, at night she would shine like Bella Hadid
Straight into the jeep, throws me a comic book, wants to live like Bella Hadid

Bella Hadid Lyrics

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