Adicto Lyrics & Meaning In English - Tainy, Anuel AA & Ozuna


 Adicto Lyrics & Meaning In English - Tainy, Anuel AA & Ozuna

Adicto Lyrics & Meaning In English - Tainy, Anuel AA & Ozuna

Adicto Lyrics by Tainy

"Adicto" is a song by Puerto Rican musicians Tainy, Anuel AA and Ozuna, released through Rimas on August 22, 2019. Tainy's first song as lead producer, "Adicto" peaked at number 86 on the US Billboard Hot 100 and received a platinum certification in Spain.

Adicto Lyrics In English


[Intro: Anuel AA & Ozuna]
Han pasado varios día' y 'toy enfermo de ti
Dime qué me hiciste, ma'
De mi memoria yo no te puedo borrar
Dios me va a castigar, le prometí te iba a olvidar
No hay por qué seguir mintiendo
El tiempo 'tá corriendo y no se puede parar (No se puede parar)
La soledad me sigue consumiendo
Ma', te 'toy extrañando, no lo puedo negar

[Coro: Anuel AA & Ozuna]
Bebé, yo soy adicto a tu piel
Siempre vuelvo a caer aunque quiera romper (Romper)
Este vicio de ti que me hace mal y a veces me hace bien
Dime qué vas a hace-e-er (Oah)
Yo 'toy puesto pa' ti, si no quiere' de mí yo no vo'a aparece-er (Uah, uah)
Yo trato de explicarte y tú no quiere' entender que (Uah)
Bebé, yo soy adicto a tu piel
Siempre vuelvo a caer aunque quiera romper (Romper)
Ese vicio de ti que me hace mal y a veces me hace bien
Dime qué vas a hace-e-er
Estoy puesto pa' ti, si no quieres de mí yo no vo'a aparece-e-er
Yo trato de explicarte y tú no quiere' entender, eh-eh (Uah, uah)

[Verso 1: Anuel AA]
'Toy adicto, no te dejo en visto (En visto)
Mami, 'tá rica cuando te desvisto (Te desvisto)
Un usuario, yo te necesito (Necesito)
Lo que yo hago contigo ya es instinto (Instinto)
De nuevo otro amanecer (Uah)
Viendo la noche desaparecer (Desaparecer)
Y yo no sé si tú ere' infiel, pero contigo quiero hacer
Lo que hicimo' aquella ve', eh (Uah, uah)
De nuevo otro amanecer
Viendo la noche desaparecer (Oh-oh-oh)
Y yo no sé si tú ere' infiel, pero contigo quiero hacer
Lo que hicimo' aquella ve', eh (Aquella ve', uah)

[Coro: Ozuna & Anuel AA]
Bebé, yo soy adicto a tu piel
Siempre vuelvo a caer aunque quiera romper (Romper)
Ese vicio de ti que me hace mal y a veces me hace bien
Dime qué vas a hace-e-er
Estoy puesto pa' ti, si no quieres de mí yo no vo'a aparece-e-er
Yo trato de explicarte y tú no quiere' entender, eh-eh (Uah, uah)

[Verso 2: Ozuna & Anuel AA]
Soy adicto a tu' parte'
Me hiciste embrujo', que no puedo olvidarte (-vidarte)
Cada vez que te veo, difícil de esquivarte (¡Oh-oh!)
Y después te estoy llamando con ganas de darte
Y es que quiero comerte, bebé (Eh)
Tú sabe', ya son las tre' (Eh)
¿Qué tal si nos vamos pa' mi casa? Ahí es que e' (Eh-eh-eh)
Si es temprano nos pegamo' a la pared (A la pared)
Si tu mamá te llama en la Lambo, contéstale
Y dile que tú estás conmigo (Conmigo)
Que no hay nada, que somos amigo' (Amigo', oh)
Que solo fueron dos copa' de vino (Oh-oh, oh-oh)
Que los party' dan pa' el vestido 'e Valentino, e' algo divino (Uah)

[Coro: Anuel AA & Ozuna, Ozuna & Anuel AA]
Bebé, yo soy adicto a tu piel
Siempre vuelvo a caer aunque quiera romper (Romper)
Este vicio de ti que me hace mal y a veces me hace bien
Dime qué vas a hace-e-er (Oah)
Yo 'toy puesto pa' ti, si no quieres de mí, yo no vo'a aparece-er
Yo trato de explicarte y tú no quiere' entender que (Uah, uah; oh-oh-oh)
Bebé, yo soy adicto a tu piel
Siempre vuelvo a caer aunque quiera romper (Romper)
Ese vicio de ti que me hace mal y a veces me hace bien
Dime qué vas a hace-e-er
Estoy puesto pa' ti, si no quieres de mí, yo no vo'a aparece-e-er
Yo trato de explicarte y tú no quiere' entender, eh-eh (Uah, uah; oh, oh)

[Outro: Anuel AA & Ozuna]
Bebecita, bebe-bebecita, uah
Mera, dime, Tainy
Lo' reye' en los Billboard, ¿oíste, bebé? (Oh-oh, oh-oh)
Anuel (Woh-oh)
Real hasta la muerte, baby
Real hasta la muerte, baby
(Uah, uah; bebé, yo soy adicto a tu piel; uah
Yo trato de explicarte y tú no quiere' entender que)

Adicto Lyrics Meaning In English

[Intro: Anuel AA & Ozuna]
Several days have passed' and 'I'm sick of you
Tell me what you did to me, ma'
From my memory I can't erase you
God is going to punish me, I promised him I would forget you
There's no reason to keep lying
Time is running out and it can't be stopped (It can't be stopped)
loneliness keeps consuming me
Ma', I'm missing you, I can't deny it

[Chorus: Anuel AA & Ozuna]
Baby I'm addicted to your skin
I always fall back even if I want to break (Break)
This vice of you that hurts me and sometimes does me good
Tell me what are you going to do-e-er (Oah)
I'm wearing for you, if you don't want me, I'm not going to appear-er (Uah, uah)
I try to explain to you and you don't want to understand that (Uah)
Baby I'm addicted to your skin
I always fall back even if I want to break (Break)
That vice of you that does me bad and sometimes does me good
Tell me what are you going to do-e-er
I'm set for you, if you don't want me, I won't show up-e-er
I try to explain to you and you don't want to understand, eh-eh (Uah, uah)

[Verse 1: Anuel AA]
'I'm addicted, I won't leave you on seen (On seen)
Mommy, 'tá rich when I undress you (I undress you)
A user, I need you (I need)
What I do with you is already instinct (Instinct)
Again another sunrise (Uah)
Watching the night disappear (disappear)
And I don't know if you are unfaithful, but with you I want to do
What we did that time, eh (Uah, uah)
again another dawn
Watching the night disappear (Oh-oh-oh)
And I don't know if you are unfaithful, but with you I want to do
What we did that time, eh (That time, uah)

[Chorus: Ozuna & Anuel AA]
Baby I'm addicted to your skin
I always fall back even if I want to break (Break)
That vice of you that does me bad and sometimes does me good
Tell me what are you going to do-e-er
I'm set for you, if you don't want me, I won't show up-e-er
I try to explain to you and you don't want to understand, eh-eh (Uah, uah)

[Verse 2: Ozuna & Anuel AA]
I'm addicted to your part
You made me bewitched, that I cannot forget you (-vidarte)
Every time I see you, hard to avoid (Oh-oh!)
And then I'm calling you wanting to give you
And I want to eat you, baby (Eh)
You know, it's already three (Eh)
What if we go to my house? That's where e' (Eh-eh-eh)
If it's early we stick to the wall (To the wall)
If your mom calls you in the Lambo, answer her
And tell him that you are with me (with me)
That there is nothing, that we are friends' (Friend', oh)
That there were only two glasses of wine (Oh-oh, oh-oh)
That the parties' give for the dress 'and Valentino, and' something divine (Uah)

[Chorus: Anuel AA & Ozuna, Ozuna & Anuel AA]
Baby I'm addicted to your skin
I always fall back even if I want to break (Break)
This vice of you that hurts me and sometimes does me good
Tell me what are you going to do-e-er (Oah)
I'm wearing for you, if you don't want me, I'm not going to appear-er
I try to explain to you and you don't want to understand that (Uah, uah; oh-oh-oh)
Baby I'm addicted to your skin
I always fall back even if I want to break (Break)
That vice of you that does me bad and sometimes does me good
Tell me what are you going to do-e-er
I'm set for you, if you don't want me, I won't show up-e-er
I try to explain to you and you don't want to understand, eh-eh (Uah, uah; oh, oh)

[Other: Anuel AA & Ozuna]
Baby, baby-baby, uah
Mera, tell me, Tainy
Lo' reye' at the Billboard, did you hear, baby? (Oh oh oh oh)
Anuel (Woh-oh)
Real to death, baby
Real to death, baby
(Uah, uah; baby, I'm addicted to your skin; uah
I try to explain to you and you don't want to understand that)

Adicto Lyrics

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