Gone Lyrics & Meaning In English - Pronto


 Gone Lyrics & Meaning In English - Pronto

Gone Lyrics & Meaning In English - Pronto

Gone Lyrics by Pronto

Gone Lyrics is a beautiful song which is nicely sung by Pronto.

Gone Lyrics In English


Yurr, yurr, yurr

Yurr (Yurr), i bi weg (Okay)
Chume nüm (Nüm, nüm), Ziit isch Geld
Und i gibes ned us für di (No), nume no Business
Mit dim Talk isch finished, i bi weg (I, i, i, i)

[Part 1]
I bruuche meh Platz, also lohni alles los
Phalte ned alles für mich, Bro?
Mach, wasd muesch, und holl der, was bruuchsch
Im Lebe chunnt nüt zu der
Du verspielsch dini Chance, hesch mer ned zueglost
Nigga, es isch, wies isch
Mei, jede Mensch trifft sini Wahl
Doch e Bitch bliibt immer e Bitch
Bruuche meh Platz und go
Fokus nume no uf mim Move
Ganz egal, ob du mi verstohsch
I mach mis Ding und chume id News
Laufe nur mit mine Partners und Guns
Wills i dem Spiel de rescht nöd bruucht
Niemert zieht mi ine schlechte Mood (Ziit isch Geld)

Yurr (Yurr), i bi weg (Weg, weg)
Chume nüm (Nüm, nüm), Ziit isch Geld
Und i gibes ned us für di (No), nume no Business
Mit dim Talk isch finished, i bi weg (I, i, i)
Yurr (Yurr), i bi weg (Weg, weg)
Chume nüm (Nüm, nüm), Ziit isch Geld
Und i gibes ned us für di (No), nume no Business
Mit dim Talk isch finished, i bi weg (I, i)

[Part 2]
Smoke das Cali in Cali, denn bini gone (Bini gone)
Bruuche die Medis a jedem Tag
I liebe das das Doa, es giht mer warm (Warm)
I gnüsse mis Lebe, will niemert do
Niemert do, niemert do weiss, wie lang (Oh)
Wieviel Ziit dassi no han
Also gohni und chume ine Wahn (Yeah, yeah)
Verlüre Niggas wege Hoe-Storys
Du bisch so sorry, doch i ghöres nöd
All die Niggas rappet non-profit
I bi so sorry, nachher göhni mir
Mach, was muesch, Nigga, go for it
I bi do for it, doch sie teschte mich
Mach, was muesch, i bi for it
I bi do for it (I, i, i)

Yurr (Yurr), i bi weg (Weg, weg)
Chume nüm (Nüm, nüm), Ziit isch Geld
Und i gibes ned us für di (No), nume no Business
Mit dim Talk isch finished, i bi weg (I, i)

Gone Lyrics Meaning In English

Yurr, yurr, yurr

Yurr (Yurr), I'm gone (Okay)
Chume nüm (Num, num), Ziit is money
And I don't give us for di (No), nume no business
With dim talk I'm finished, I'm gone (I, i, i, i)

[Part 1]
I need more space, so it's all going on
Keep it all for me, bro?
Do what was muesch, and fetch what bruuchsch
In life it's good to go to that
You gamble away your chance, don't let me get away with it
Nigga, it's, I know
Mei, every human being makes his choice
But a bitch always remains a bitch
Take more space and go
Focus number no on my Move
It doesn't matter if you miss me
I do my thing and chume id news
Only run with mine partners and guns
Wills in the game de rescht nöd bruucht
Niemert puts me in a bad mood (It's money)

Yurr (Yurr), i bi away (away, away)
Chume nüm (Num, num), Ziit is money
And I don't give us for di (No), nume no business
With dim talk I'm finished, I'm gone (I, i, i)
Yurr (Yurr), i bi away (away, away)
Chume nüm (Num, num), Ziit is money
And I don't give us for di (No), nume no business
With dim talk I'm finished, I'm gone (I, I)

[Part 2]
Smoke the Cali in Cali, because bini gone (Bini gone)
I take my meds every day
I love the doa, it's getting warm (Warm)
I'm happy with my life, I never want to do it
Niemert do, niemert do know how long (Oh)
How much Ziit dassi no han
So gohni and chume ine madness (yeah, yeah)
Lose niggas on hoe stories
You're so sorry, but I don't hear it
All them niggas rap non-profit
I'm so sorry, later göhni me
Do what muesch, nigga, go for it
I bi do for it, but she tested me
Do what muesch, I bi for it
I bi do for it (I, i, i)

Yurr (Yurr), i bi away (away, away)
Chume nüm (Num, num), Ziit is money
And I don't give us for di (No), nume no business
With dim talk I'm finished, I'm gone (I, I)

Gone Lyrics

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