Cellphone Lyrics & Meaning In English - Shiva ft. Rhove & Bianca Costa


 Cellphone Lyrics & Meaning In English - Shiva ft. Rhove & Bianca Costa

Cellphone Lyrics & Meaning In English - Shiva ft. Rhove & Bianca Costa

Cellphone Lyrics by Shiva

Cellphone Lyrics is a beautiful song which is nicely sung by Shiva ft. Rhove & Bianca Costa.

Cellphone Lyrics In English



Perché se guardi negli occhi capisci (Uoh)
Che ero da solo nel bando con bisce (Uh, yeah)
Non mi fido nemmeno delle ombre (No, no, no, no)
E questi infami mi chiamano al cell (Uoh, uoh)
E al cell (Uoh, uoh)
E al cell (Uoh, uoh)
Eh, eh, uoh, oh
O al cell (Uoh, uoh)
E al cell (Yeah, yeah)
E al cell (Uoh, uoh, uoh)
Yeah, yeah, uoh, uoh

Ohi, ohi, ohi, ohi, ohi
Eravamo nel bando, chiamate sopra un cellphone
Ohi, ohi, ohi, ohi, ohi
Non so che cosa ho dentro, non so che cosa sento


Yeah, yeah
Eh, come se fosse la prima volta per noi due
Non mi torneranno in testa le tue scuse
Non mi torneranno in testa le tue scuse
Li vedi i petit son come noi
Quando stavamo qui, baci tra la police (Baci tra la police)
Ahh, buio pesto oramai, piangono soltanto i fulmini
(Buio pesto oramai, piangono)
(Yeah, yeah)
Ero solo, nessuno capiva
Senza un euro e senza una lira
Poi ci siamo persi di vista (Pam-pam)
Nei palazzi non c'è più invidia (Yeah, yeah)
Solo bebè e tossici in fila
Ho iniziato su una panchina
Ora queste sedie in plastica non stan bene sulla tuta Kipsta
E sappiamo com'è andata fin'ora, non sapremo come è il restante
Tu mi hai preso che avevo due gambe
Mi hai lasciato che ero benestante

Ohi, ohi, ohi, ohi, ohi
Eravamo nel bando, chiamate sopra un cellphone
Ohi, ohi, ohi, ohi, ohi
Non so che cosa ho dentro, non so che cosa sento

Yo, pull-up, pull-up
Sono nella zona
Mc Laren [?] verde come un cobra
Ho la città ora che mi ascolta
Ho l'euro pa' che ora mi ascolta
Ricordo ancora i tuoi occhi
Prima di me eran vuoti
Prima del cash ero solo, dopo 'sti cash sono in troppi
Okay, okay, dammi i miei
Okay, okay, dammi i miei meriti
I miei genitori assenti, i miei fra nei cimiteri
I tuoi baci son più velenosi dei drink alle sei
E tu vuoi mostrare agli altri quello che non sei

Ohi, ohi, ohi, ohi, ohi
Eravamo nel bando, chiamate sopra un cellphone
Ohi, ohi, ohi, ohi, ohi
Non so che cosa ho dentro, non so che cosa sento


Na, na, na, na, na
Ohi, ohi, ohi, ohi, ohi

Cellphone Lyrics Meaning In English


Because if you look into the eyes you understand (Uoh)
That I was alone in the bid with snakes (Uh, yeah)
I don't even trust the shadows (No, no, no, no)
And these infamous people call me on the cell (Uoh, uoh)
And on the cell (Uoh, uoh)
And on the cell (Uoh, uoh)
Heh, heh, uoh, oh
Or on the cell (Uoh, uoh)
And on the cell (Yeah, yeah)
And on the cell (Uoh, uoh, uoh)
Yeah, yeah, uoh, uoh

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
We were in the notice, calls on a cellphone
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
I don't know what I have inside, I don't know what I feel


Yeah yeah
Eh, as if it were the first time for the two of us
Your apology won't come back to me
Your apology won't come back to me
You see the petits are like us
When we were here, kisses between the police (Kisses between the police)
Ahh, pitch dark now, only lightning is crying
(Pitch dark now, they cry)
(Yeah yeah)
I was alone, no one understood
Without a euro and without a lira
Then we lost touch (Pam-pam)
In the palaces there is no more envy (Yeah, yeah)
Only babies and addicts in line
I started on a bench
Now these plastic chairs don't look good on the Kipsta suit
And we know how it's gone so far, we won't know how the rest is
You took me that I had two legs
You left me when I was wealthy

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
We were in the notice, calls on a cellphone
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
I don't know what I have inside, I don't know what I feel

Yo, pull-ups, pull-ups
I'm in the zone
Mc Laren [?] green as a cobra
I have the city now listening to me
I have the euro pa' who now listens to me
I still remember your eyes
Before me they were empty
Before the cash I was alone, after this cash there are too many
Okay, okay, give me mine
Okay, okay, give me my credit
My absent parents, my brothers in the cemeteries
Your kisses are more poisonous than drinks at six
And you want to show others what you are not

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
We were in the notice, calls on a cellphone
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
I don't know what I have inside, I don't know what I feel


Na, na, na, na, na
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey

Cellphone Lyrics

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