Gente de Accionar by Grupo Codiciado - Original Lyrics & English Meaning


Gente de Accionar by Grupo Codiciado - Original Lyrics & English Meaning

Gente de Accionar by Grupo Codiciado - Original Lyrics & English Meaning

 The song "Gente De Accionar" was written by Grupo Codiciado. The label is "Rancho Humilde". 

Gente de Accionar Lyrics

Sáquele plumita,
Yo no tenía nada
Y miren donde estoy ahorita,
Soy gallo jugado
Y aquí andamos apenitas
Al trabajo le eche ganas,
Yo soy Gente De Accionar.


Sáquele plumita,
Yo no tenía nada
Y miren donde estoy ahorita,
Soy gallo jugado
Y aquí andamos apenitas
Al trabajo le eche ganas,
Yo soy Gente De Accionar…

Ya es de madrugada,
Y que las plebitas
Me peguen una bailada,
Quieren un buen antro
Pa' seguir la cotorreada,
Me gusta vivir la vida,
Pues la tenemos prestada...

Puro Sinaloa,
Ya salió el quesito
Y ahora jaló la bandona,
Tráiganse unas plebes
Y me llenen la trocona,
De cerveza bien helada,
Y whiskito pa empezar.


Siempre ando contento,
Y aunque hay enemigos
Eso no me quita el sueño,
Una superona fajada
Me quita el miedo,
Y si tienen un problema,
Discuten con mi carnal...

Soy bien tranquilito,
Pero no se enreden
Que me arremangó macizo,
Vamos paso a paso s
Ubiendo kilo a kilito,
Me gustan las cuentas claras,
Porque limpio se jalar...

Bugatti en las vegas,
Cheyene blindada
Cuando visito la sierra,
Me gustan las rutas
Levantar la polvadera,
Allá en mi Sinaloa,
Me la eh sabido rifar,
Yo soy Gente de Accionar.

Gente de Accionar Lyrics English Meaning

Get him a feather,
I did not have anything
And look where I am right now,
I'm a cock played
And here we are walking
To work, you feel like it,
I am People of Action.


Get him a feather,
I did not have anything
And look where I am right now,
I'm a cock played
And here we are walking
To work, you feel like it,
I am People of Action ??

It's already dawn,
And that the plebitas
They hit me a dance,
They want a good club
To 'follow the gossip,
I like to live life,
Well, we've borrowed it ...

Puro Sinaloa,
The cheese has already come out
And now the bandona pulled,
Bring a few plebes
And fill me with the trocona,
Of cold beer,
And whiskito to start.


I'm always happy,
And although there are enemies
That does not keep me awake,
A superona fajada
It takes away my fear,
And if they have a problem,
They argue with my carnal ...

I'm very quiet,
But do not get tangled
That rolled me up solid,
Let's step by step
Putting kilo to kilito,
I like clear accounts,
Because clean is pulling ...

Bugatti in las vegas,
Cheyene armored
When I visit the saw,
I like the routes
Lift the dustbin,
There in my Sinaloa,
I have known it to raffle,
I am People of Action.

Gente de Accionar by Grupo Codiciado - Lyrics

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